Gerhart wants you to protect your capital investment in your scale. In fact, reliability and accuracy are held at an utmost importance here.
As proof, Gerhart provides free evaluations with a written report of all safety and usage issues that may be affecting your heavy capacity scale.
In addition, Gerhart offers services that are preventative to other issues you may experience with your equipment.
Did you know binding is a common cause of inaccuracies?
As dirt, debris, water or mud accumulates, it will lead to inaccurate weighing and could even make the scale unusable if left unclean. Thus, Gerhart’s industrial services offer cleaning and power washing to prevent this issue.
Without routine inspections, maintenance and calibrations, a company could possibly lose tens of thousands of dollars annually due to inaccurate weights. Continual use, weather, wear and electrical issues are just a few factors that could change the accuracy of your scale.
Make sure your scale is operating to its optimum performance with Gerhart’s heavy capacity scale service. It includes a test report showing sectional accuracy along with the as-found and as-left test results.
Gerhart guarantees your scale will be operating within both manufacturers’ and local Weight and Measures tolerances.
Call today to schedule your free inspection (888-437-4278).